What Could Possibly Go Right?

#36 Kay Taylor: Manifesting What Can Go Right in a New World

April 20, 2021 Vicki Robin Season 1 Episode 36
What Could Possibly Go Right?
#36 Kay Taylor: Manifesting What Can Go Right in a New World
Show Notes Transcript

Kay Taylor is an evolutionary astrologer, author, and teacher who has been integrating soul-centered astrology with a range of healing wisdom for over 35 years. Author of Soul Path Way, Kay runs the Soul Path School to train individuals in intuitive mastery, psychosynthesis, and astrology. She maintains a thriving full-time consulting practice based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

She addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?” with thoughts including:

  • The shifts in consciousness in key periods of recent history, creating greater connection and awakening.
  • That as old structures are coming down, we should “stay in our hearts, be love, and work with each other” as new structures emerge. 
  • That our global connectivity through the internet can be the “training wheels” for humanity’s growing physic capabilities.
  • That we need to be careful with our thoughts, words and information with which we engage, directing those towards manifesting what we want to go right. 
  • That “it's essential for people who are feeling discouraged to come into small levels of gratitude. To connect to things that are outside that viewpoint, to see the beauty... all the ways that we can remind ourselves that most humans are truly good, and want the best for everybody.” 
  • That we can see bridges to scientific and rational realms, such as when considering planetary impacts on tides or looking at energy and particle movements.


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Complete Show Notes

Kay Taylor  

We are now in a new world. We now have the ability to manifest things much more quickly. We have to keep talking about what can go right. We have to keep our eye on the prize.

Vicki Robin  

Hi, Vicki Robin here, host of What Could Possibly Go Right? a project of the Post Carbon Institute, where I interview cultural scouts, people who see far and serve the common good, asking every guest the same question: With all that seems to be going wrong, what could possibly go right? Today's guest is Kay Taylor. Kay has been a natural clairvoyant and empath since childhood, and is a highly trained astrologer, coach, guide, educator, leader, etc. She offers readings, classes, trainings, and has written a book Soul Path Way that came out in 2016. Currently, she is President of the Organization for Professional Astrologers. She hastened to say in her biography, after all of her certifications in interpersonal and psychological and spiritual modalities; she says, I also got an MBA so I know how to be grounded. I wanted Kay to be part of our conversations on what could possibly go right, because I do think that the intuitive, the feeling realms, are marginalized in all the conversations about saving the world; that the connective tissue and what the connective tissue is made of, is not just more little billiard balls on a billiard table, knocking into each other. That connective tissue, the glue of society, is not necessarily the sum of all the interactions. There's something else going on that we're all participating in, this thing called life. So I wanted somebody who directly speaks to that, who is a progressive, definitely a progressive, but comes at it through her talents and skills, as most of us do. I just want to say a little personal story is that I found Kay in 2004, when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I called a friend of mine, who is very wise and quite intuitive, and said, "Okay, David, I have cancer." And he says, "Wait a second." He was two states over. And he pauses and he said, "No, you don't, you don't have cancer. There's no sign of cancer in your body." Because he was doing whatever he does to do this remote seeing. I said, "Well, I do have a piece of paper here that says it very specifically." And he says, "No, you know, you don't have cancer. You may have A cancer, but you don't have cancer. And I would recommend that you talk to the person that I turn to, when I have big questions in my life." And I thought, Well, I'm turning to the person who I turn to when I have the biggest question. So whoever he turns to, has my attention. So he turned me on to Kay and I had a reading with her; it was not in person. And it was stunning, because she identified the size, shape, location, and quality of the cancer, that was precisely the cancer that was taken out of my body. Whatever she could see that I couldn't, it made me pay attention. She's been very helpful over many years in connecting with the energies that I don't seem to be able to connect with. So I use her service, an outrigger cultural scout, as a Vicki scout. Any friend who's really interested in these dimensions, I always recommend her. I'm not saying everybody should go out and book Kay now but I just wanted you to know that in my own work, I believe I draw on psychic abilities, not woo-woo. I just think, I get things. I know things and there's no rational way I should know them. They actually feed very much into everything that I do. I wanted to bring that dimension into this conversation that seems quite rational, which is in all that's going wrong, what could possibly go right? So here's my conversation with Kay.

Vicki Robin  

Welcome Kay to my COVID project, and now my great fascination: interviews with cultural scouts about what in the midst of all that seems to be going wrong, could possibly go right? I've picked my guests intuitively. There's some 45 of them now, and some I've known for years like you, and some I've just been discovering in this last year. I've been thinking about what governs who I pick. So I started listing the qualities of cultural scouts. One was that I saw that they're often not mainstream due to race, age, or profession, gender, culture. They are often on the margins. People in the middle would call it marginalized. But basically, people who live outside the convention need to be more observant, because people with privilege and power are often blind to what's going on and also to their impact. So basically, there's an intelligence that's built on the margins. The other thing is, every one of them sees far and serves the common good. They use their capacity, foresight and insight, to basically serve the tribe, which at this moment is the whole human enterprise. They are people who are not shy of the truth. They are truth sayers and soothsayers, which brings us to your profession of being an intuitive, an empath, and an astrologer. Your profession is the classic cultural scout. It's like the oracles; the people that when society was in trouble, we had to go and consult the oracle who would give us some mysterious guidance from who knows where. Our society is hyper-rational and often excludes the feeling realm and the intuitive realm. In my field, sustainability, we do tend to lead with the rational in order to be heard. So it's all the more important that we listen to you, Kay. So with all that you are, do, know, I pitch you my question. With all that seems to be going wrong, what could possibly go right?

Kay Taylor  

Thank you, Vicki, for inviting me. Yes, that touches home so strongly, as feeling like a person who has been on the margins forever in a lot of different ways. Even being a child and knowing things that other people didn't know and didn't see. I got into so much trouble in fourth grade when I learned about communism, and I said in class, That's a great thing. Yeah, we should all be communists. Of course, this is in the early 60s, and everybody freaked out. I got a lot of trouble for saying that. So I have been intuitive my whole life. I have been a professional psychic intuitive channel for 37 years. During that time, I built in astrology, hypnotherapy, various forms of healing. I've been working with clients and teaching for all these years, so this informs my viewpoint. In terms of talking about what could possibly go right, which I feel is a lot of what I do in sessions and classes, is talking to people and encouraging them for the next week, the next month, the next year, like, Yeah, I know life is really hard right now. But this is where we're going; this is the vision of this planet. So if I start from the spirit perspective, from the place of the channeling I've done, I was doing channeling of high level spirits, fifth dimensional teaching masters, back in the 80s. They gave me a blueprint of everything that was going to happen. The year 2000 was a major turning point. 2012 was a major turning point. The year 2000, which everybody worried about y2k, from the spirit perspective was when we begin shifting into fourth dimensional reality, and there's going to be a lot more psychic availability to people and the veils are going to be thinner for manifestation. So that was how they framed that. This was in the 80s, they told me this. 2012, we had a consciousness shift there that allowed us to even begin to connect more into fifth dimensional reality, in a sense of manifestation at a higher level; thinner, thinner veils, even still greater capacity for awakening and opening. So I was prepared for all of this to happen. But in 2004 when we started going into war, and it was looking pretty dismal, I felt discouraged. I felt like I must be wrong. And Spirit told me then, not to worry; that the seeds have been planted throughout the world, that the world was filled with evolved souls at all generational levels, and that it was going to be scary for us to watch the world crash, because we wouldn't understand what was going to replace it. But we had to sit back, let it crash, not pay too much attention to the news; stay in our hearts, be love and work with each other and understand that as the structure was coming down, a whole new structure was being built around the world, by all kinds of evolved people. I could see it from that perspective, as year after year went on. If I read the news, I would be terrified of what was going on. But if I talked to all the different people I was doing readings for around the world, and saw many of them working in nonprofits, and this group taking water to this country, and this group working with young children in cities, and on and on. I could see that there were these beautiful, beautiful souls that were working together to change things and not waiting for the government. Then of course, we really started to see the corruption more and more of the system, and the system truly falling apart. I think it became even more scary in the last four years when it seemed like, Oh my goodness, we're not going to dig ourselves out of this. And I feel that we worked together, not only the politicking and the phone calls and get up the vote and all those things we did together. But I am always teaching intuitive sight. I have a school, a Soul Path school. I teach intuition, psychosynthesis and astrology. And all of my psychic students were reporting the same thing over these last couple of years. Everybody was exhausted. We were all having major dreams. We were doing healings on Trump in our dreams. Crazy things were happening on that level. And we could feel how we were all pulling together. I see it with the young children especially. I see how psychic they are, and how connected, they're connected to the world through the internet. They have friends all over the world. But also, I always felt like this, the internet is a hardwired system to show us what we're all really capable of, like we are all actually tuned into each other all the time. It's the same as sending texts and emails. What we're capable of doing psychically, we all have access to all information all the time. I feel like the internet is like our training wheels. So that as we evolve more and more as humans, we will understand that we can do this and do it well. So all of that was building, that's all the psychic piece, which is just be loved, do it, make it happen, and don't worry that the old stuff is crashing, because it needs to. Now at the same time, the astrology was giving us the same messages going back to the mid 60s. Of course, we remember the 60s as a time of radical change. We had two planets at that time coming together. Now whenever in the in the world, and one of the major astrologer philosophers, Richard Tarnas, did 2000 page books, where he looked at the philosophies of the world going back to Socrates and Plato, from then until now. Then he connected it to the big astrological cycles. When two planets come together, they create a vibration, and the world lives in that vibration for a period of time, depending on how slow moving those planets are. So in the mid 60s, we had transformation and revolution come together. I'm not going to bore everybody with all the planetary names, but I'm just going to talk in those broad brushstrokes. So that began a cycle. That cycle was tested 2012 to 2015. We had interesting cycles in the early 80s and the late 80s, that were about these big changes and more equality, peace, justice, and the change of the structures we live in. And as much as many people say disparaging things about Millennials, Millennials are a soul group that are here to truly transform this world. There's a group of them that got born in the late 80s that has some very special infiltrator energy. Once they develop fully into their place of power, they've got a whole new agenda. Then we've got the younger ones, the Generation Z. And especially the ones that came in in the late 70s and the early 2000s, they have the Aquarian energy really built into them. They are philosophers and truth sayers, and all of these younger generations are fearless. We don't want to forget that within there, we have all the other generations that have their special gift that they're bringing, right? Problem solvers, artists, layer upon layer of all of the soul groups that are here to change things. Of course, many get lost along the way. They get taken in by the media, the fears, lies, and they forget the transformation that we're all here to do. But there's a critical mass, just barely. We barely squeaked out the election. But now it's going to continue in the direction that we are going. And the year 2020, astrologically, was perhaps the most intense year any of us will ever live through. We had three major cycles that launched in that year, which also means three cycles ended. The first two of those cycles do have to do with the exposure of corruption and the ending of systemic structures, patriarchal energies that don't serve us. The third cycle that launched on the solstice, December 21, great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn coming together looking like a star. That is the beginning of a 20 year cycle of Aquarian energies. Aquarian energies are technologies, social justice, innovation, inventions, equality. So we're living within that, and there's other little pieces that have been building. We've got another piece shift in 2024. So we are now in a new world, and the energy is going to move very, very quickly now. One of the things that's moving quickly, is that because the layers have been shifted, so that we don't have the time delay from thoughts, word and action to creating reality as we used to have in the past, to save us. We now have the ability to manifest things much more quickly. That means we all who are progressive, enlightened, spiritual, desiring these changes; we need to be very, very careful with our thoughts, with our words, with what we read, with the news. That's why your show is so amazing and important, because we have to keep talking about what can go right. We have to keep our eye on the prize, and not be Pollyanna-ish to an extreme. That kind of gets us in trouble. We've seen that. But we need to know what's going on, without focusing on it. We need to focus on each other, supporting each other, helping to build whatever way that is, that we can support the group of souls who are progressive and evolved and wish for this to be a planet of peace. I would say that the spirits that work through me told me 30-something years ago, that it was decided by the soul spirit groups that decide things about the whole galaxy, that planet Earth was not to be allowed to blow itself up or pollute itself to death. That's why so many groups of healing souls have been coming here to change it. So we have to do our job, and that's why we came. I mean, it was a big deal to get to come here and help this planet shift itself. So I am enthusiastic about where we are, and that we really sort of went to the very brink, as most of us humans do anyway, right? Where we wait until things are really bad before we change, before we totally transform. So we went to the brink and I feel we're on the other side.

Vicki Robin  

That is a pretty interesting statement given what we're surrounded with, that somehow or another, it's like what you're saying about 2020, that we lived through it. We actually made it through and that have entered, like I remember when I was young; this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. But that was just the first glimmer of sunlight over the horizon. So now the sun has risen on this time of vision into action, almost. It's very visionary and positive. But I will say that there's going to be plenty of people listening to this podcast, because I know the Post Carbon Institute audience, and they're very rational, hyper-rational. So make a bridge for us. I mean, one bridge I'm hearing is that, however you explain it, there are millions of people and hundreds of thousands of groups working toward the common good. If you squint in a certain way, you see that activity and you go like, Yeah, if we just get whatever this thing is off our backs, we're gonna take off. We can see it without having to go to the intuitive or astrological levels. So make the bridge for us. How do I help somebody who is really just working so hard in the field of sustainability, of rationality, of policy, of politics? Help us see how to bridge to these energies; how to draw from them, how to understand what we're doing, how to do our work, in the knowledge that it's already working out. Which of course, very few of us actually think.

Kay Taylor  

Yeah, that's hard, because obviously I am so in this mindset where I live, that making that bridge to totally rational feels like a challenge to start with. But let me say a couple of things. First of all, with astrology, we know that the moon affects the tides, right? The moon can affect water in the ocean. And we know that humans, our bodies are mostly water, right? So think about that, and think if just the moon can affect us, how all the planets can affect us. I think of everything, and probably the person I could have the conversation with would be more of a physicist-type scientist, right? Where they're really seeing the way energy is affected by thought. The scientists in the room are not in the room affecting the way particles are moving. So there is this overlap and this bridge between astronomy and astrology, and that high frequency science where it understands that we are in this multiverse that is constantly shifting and changing. You know, Richard Tarnas' work is so rational and provable in a certain way, that the Dutch government asked him to come and speak to their members of parliament to talk about how it's possible to get humans to change their habits and behaviors without legislating it. His books are used in colleges and universities around the world now in philosophy. So there is this bridge. It's not all weird people sitting in cafes reading poems. There is a certain body of rational work on that astrological level. Then I think of people like Einstein, who talked about how ideas just float in, ideas just drop in. That is how all scientific problems tend to be solved. You think about and think about and think about it, and then all of a sudden, it's a channeling. It actually is a psychic insight. So I know that there is that overlap there. Then if I put myself mentally in that viewpoint of people on the front lines who are working to change the world, I would say that the challenge there is that we can become very intensely focused on our part of it and the obstacles we face. That is the nature of the human mind to concern itself with the problems and the negativity, to be able to solve problems and to be able to survive. So it's essential, I feel, for people who are feeling discouraged to come into small levels of gratitude. To connect to things that are outside that viewpoint, to see the beauty, to take the time to go looking for information about how young children are saving things; saving animals, sending money and building schools. All the ways that we can remind ourselves that most humans are truly good, and want the best for everybody. Often what we end up doing is arguing about how to get there. But as humans, we want to live well, to have love, to have enough food, to have something that we do that we think is meaningful. Apart from those that I feel are really in the dark side, just trying to own all the money of the world by the end of their life, 99% of humans are in alignment with each other. I feel that it is perfectly rational to connect with each other on that level and keep working toward the change.

Vicki Robin  

Yeah, it's like Tavis Smiley used to sign off saying, Keep the faith. I used to love that. And it's really interesting that, you know, we live in a worldview where social science, psychology, economics even; we call those sciences, somehow or another. They're just pattern recognition systems within a world of view of limitation. And what you're saying... I mean, where does insight come from? Where does goodwill come from? When you start to ask the question, as really smart people working in agencies and bureaucracies and nonprofits, we sort of put on rational blinders. Like, we're pretending we're not drawing from other wells, when we are. Sometimes people would be embarrassed to tell other people how they came to the insight that they've just brought to the meeting, that is the thing that's the little trim tab. So I think in a way what you're saying, and I think it's super important, is that we have to welcome the marginalized parts of ourselves in western rational society; the marginalized parts of the feminine, the intuitive, the emotional, the dream time. These are the parts that we exclude. And we may limp along and do good work, but there's so much nourishment for the journey that comes from the other-than-rational realms, the other capacities. I realized as you were talking that, I will say this in the introduction so full disclosure, Kay has just been the most amazing assist for my life for 15, 16, 17 years ever since I had cancer. Checking in once a year and she'd say, Oh man, just hang on, because 2020 is gonna be when your star, you're gonna hit it for your work. And I thought, Well, geez, I've already done Your Money or Your Life, I've already done that stuff. It was sort of like there was a little wrapped package waiting for me in 2020. Then all hell breaks loose. And of course, it's the perfect time for somebody like me, who's curious and edgy. I do feel like this podcast is in a way, it's one of the most accurate expressions of my soul that I have done so far, the most direct. So yeah, I'll take your word for it. So, Missy. 2021? Give us just a few sentences about the qualities of the year that we're in.

Kay Taylor  

Yeah, so we had that launch of the Aquarian energy in December. This whole year, what we have is this very interesting little stress struggle between the traditional that's trying to hang on and the progressive that is trying to move forward. It's interesting that we have a progressive planet in Aquarian energy and we have an Aquarian planet in more slower moving, Earth based energy. So there's a way that when we have this kind of stress vibrationally, we have to find creative solutions. But the creative solutions are likely to be both progressive and grounded. So it's not necessarily easy depending on where this shows up in your personal life, or even in the world, how it is showing up. Obviously, we have a lot of intensity. When you were talking a minute ago about people getting into a mindset of rationality, who are working to be changemakers, it caused me to reflect on the fact that part of staying positive is we have to see this as a marathon, and not that we're going to fix everything overnight. I believe that this process we've just entered, one cycle is 20 years, but then there's another cycle that's launching in 2024 that's also Aquarian. So I feel like we should think about 30 to 40 years as this process that we are engaged in. That means we have to take the time to connect and to enjoy life, even while working really hard. 

Vicki Robin  

Yeah, exactly. And 30 or 40 years, that's about when the United Nations has declared that we actually have to have gotten our ducks in a row or we aren't gonna have any more ducks. So what an exciting time to be alive in all that is changing. Thank you so much, Kay, for bringing all that you are to this question. I really appreciate it.

Kay Taylor  

Thank you so much for inviting me. Always a pleasure to sit with you.

Vicki Robin  

Hey, thanks for listening. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a five star review so that this hopeful message can get out to more people. Check out Post Carbon Institute's Resilience website for show notes and for more guest information. Join us on Patreon and become a financial supporter of the show, for exclusive content and special online events. Thanks also to Asher Miller, Amy Buringrud and Clara Winter at Post Carbon Institute, plus production assistant Michelle Wigg from FrugalityandFreedom.com

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